
Thursday, September 23, 2021


 today we had honesty for  our value so we decided to do an honest blogger post of how many honest things we did today an Internet slide we will have how many honest things are done today and I hope you enjoy it and tell me what you saw that I did good and say that in the comments

if you see new thing that I need to get better at on working on say it in the comments

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

my stepsweb goal

Stepsweb check-in
so today we are going to be looking over how many steps with time I got on the last Stepsweb

what do you think I should do next time and I hope this was a good experience for you and other people if you have anything to say that I should do like more writing you can say it in the comments

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Lockdown reflection

 Lockdown reflection

this is my Lockdown reflectionGoogle drawing about that you're about to see I reckon you might like it but I I didn't like it tho but i hope you like this post

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

what I want to do when I'm older

 Hello, today we are going over the topic about what I want to be when I grow up and I want to do something that will help the country out and other countries out to and also tell me what you want to do when you are older and the comments or if you do older and you have done what you do what time your dream that you want to do and if you've done that tell me something that you're waiting for...

Monday, September 6, 2021

My favourite animal

 Today on this blog we are going to go over which favourite animal I like. Also, like how they where do they breed and other things like that.  Also, they're diet and their high they are and interesting facts about them and also maybe I'll do one of my second fav animals later I don't know if there is one but I'm going to make one myself if I can.

Friday, September 3, 2021

the dog i would like to have

 so I did a dark test and the dog that I wanted is a Tiberian mastiff's the biggest dog in the world and one of the fluffiest and its very very protective kind trained  

is there anything that you think I should do and type it in the comments

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

song maker

 Hi, this is my blog. On my blog we post stuff and today I'm going to post a song that I made on song maker. Song maker is where you make songs obviisly so song maker is also where you test and see your vocals and soundwaves.